Classic Dog Products Tea Tree Oil Shampoo - Keeps parasites out of the coat.

175 kr
Type: Shampoo

Classic Dog Products Tea Tree Oil shampoo soothes the undercoat and repels parasites.

Tea tree oil is an oil that helps to soothe reddened undercoats and keep parasites away from the coat. It also works to fight fungus on the skin.

Bonus is that the shampoo leaves a nice shine on the fur and the smell also has a calming effect on stressed dogs. The product is also suitable for the more sensitive animals.


How to use Classic Dog Products Tea Tree Oil Shampoo

  1. Dilute one part shampoo to 4 parts water (for stronger skin redness, the shampoo can be used fully concentrated).
  2. Massage into damp fur.
  3. Rinse out the shampoo.
  4. Finish with one of Classic Dog Products conditioners.